Category Archives: Costume Building for Guys

Tutorials and Opinions on Male Cosplay

Proton Pack Build: Update 5

I finished the main part of the pack today! ^_^ Just have the Bumper and the Motherboard left to do and the pack part will be done. After that there’s the Particle Thrower and the Bracket. After it’s all done then I can finally start the resin and fiberglass process.


Read the rest of this entry Ghost Trap Replica!

This is more for those of you who either aren’t a member of (if not go there and join the largest Ghostbusters fan community), don’t know about (they have tons of Ghostbusters, DC Universe, He-Man, and other toys, but only release them for a limited time each month), or didn’t get a chance to go to Comic Con 2011 (like myself). Click on the “Read the rest of this entry” button below to see a quick video showcasing this awesome prop piece. Ghost Trap

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Proton Pack Build: Update 4.5

Sorry for the long wait. It took me a little longer to recover than I thought. But I did finally finish the middle Cosmetic Plating section, so I’ll go over that part now. ^_^


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Proton Pack Build Update

Well there’s not going to be much with this update. I hurt my finger the other day and haven’t been able to press down very hard with it. I probably won’t have another update until next Friday, just to be sure it heals up enough to start working on the build again. I was able to get all of the pieces cut out for the Cosmetic Plating though. So until next Friday, stay tuned for some awesome reviews and news in the Tokusatsu world. ^_^


Proton Pack Build Update 3

This is going to be a short one. I was only able to finish one part this time. There were some problem areas on there, but I did the best I could with it. I’ll hopefully be able to fix some of the problem areas when I get to the resin stage. Anyway here’s the Gun Mount box!


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Ghostbusters Proton Pack Build Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Sorry it took so long to post this up. I was having troubles with the Crank Generator pieces. Also, from now on, I’m going to be posting every Tuesday and Friday. I’ll just show you where I’m at so far in the build, whether I have a part completed or not. And now, here’s where I’m at so far.

I ain't 'fraid o' no ghost.

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My Assassin’s Creed II Hidden Blade Tutorial

I figured I would at least post something while I work on the crank generator for the proton pack. It has a lot of little curved pieces and I don’t want to screw it up when I cut it out and assemble it so I’m taking my time with it. I’ll get back to posting my progress with the proton pack once I get the crank generator finished. I may even be part way through or finished with the gun box mount assembly by my next post so look forward to that as well. ^_^

So moving on to today’s post, I wrote this tutorial a couple years back, but it should still be useful. This was the first build I did for one of my costumes and I was really proud of the final result. And they worked just like in the game! ^_^ Sorry for the blurry images. I had to use my phone back then, because I didn’t have any other camera. You should still get an idea of what it all should look like though. Anyway, on to the build! ^_^


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Proton Pack Build: Day 1 and 2

Greetings and salutations! This is my first post here at the DTF page and I hope you look forward to more of my posts. I’m going to be covering my build of a Ghostbusters proton pack using pepakura.

First off, pepakura is a technique where you build a prop or armor out of heavy card stock paper, cover it in fiberglass and bondo, sand it smooth and use a detailing tool (like a Dremel), then finally paint it. You can get the files for this build at the GB Fans Forums. Also, for more ideas for armor making (mostly Halo armor, but others as well), you can visit the Pepakura section of the 405th Forums. You will need the free Pepakura Viewer program to view and print the parts.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the parts of the proton pack, here’s an image from GB Fans that has all of the parts of the pack named.

The proton pack and all of it's parts

Alright! Now that you know what parts are on the pack, lets see where I’m at with the build.

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