Monthly Archives: July 2011

Proton Pack Build: Update 5

I finished the main part of the pack today! ^_^ Just have the Bumper and the Motherboard left to do and the pack part will be done. After that there’s the Particle Thrower and the Bracket. After it’s all done then I can finally start the resin and fiberglass process.


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Ultraman (1966) Episode 5 Review


The Kaiju for this episode is Greenmons, who uses a muclic spray to weaken its foes, then goes in for the kill via smothering. To be honest, it was kinda of pain to capture a proper shot of this creature, and it didn’t help that it doesn’t really have a decent form. It looks like a weird green oven mitt of sorts with plant-like vines and leaves grafted onto it. With this episode you’re not going to get much of an outstanding Ultraman fight, but the antics of Ide make up for it.

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Ultraman (1966) Episode 4 Review


This episode’s Kaiju is Ragon, who is a water-based creature and has a nifty breath attack, but otherwise doesn’t really create much of a challenge for Ultraman, except for a little plot device added in the beginning that pads on the danger. This episode is a little bit on the disjointed side, but there are still a few fun moments to be had from the Science Patrol and their wacky antics.

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Ultraman (1966) Episode 3 Review


This episode’s Kaiju is Neronga, a creature who can turn invisble when consuming electricity who grew to his large size due to a power plant nearby his place of slumber. This episode is pretty rock solid, as you not only get to see a great deal of Kaiju-wrecking stuff only to be wrecked by Ultraman, but you also see some pretty awesome fighting spirit from Hoshino, who is a child character I’ve actually grown to like.

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Ultraman (1966) Episode 2 Review


This episode’s Kaiju is Baltan, a monster with 2 special abilities, one being able to freeze folks in their tracks and take possession of them, the other the power to split into the original and a decoy. In keeping with the lightheartedness of the series, this is a comical episode involving Science Officer Ide, and the set of events that caused him to get a black eye.

Read the rest of this entry Ghost Trap Replica!

This is more for those of you who either aren’t a member of (if not go there and join the largest Ghostbusters fan community), don’t know about (they have tons of Ghostbusters, DC Universe, He-Man, and other toys, but only release them for a limited time each month), or didn’t get a chance to go to Comic Con 2011 (like myself). Click on the “Read the rest of this entry” button below to see a quick video showcasing this awesome prop piece. Ghost Trap

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Proton Pack Build: Update 4.5

Sorry for the long wait. It took me a little longer to recover than I thought. But I did finally finish the middle Cosmetic Plating section, so I’ll go over that part now. ^_^


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Ultraman (1966) Episode 1 Review


When it comes to the “tentpoles” of Toku shows in the East, Kamen Rider and Super Sentai tend to be the most talked about, either via blog or message board, and it’s understandable, as they are bright, colorful, fast-paced, and with the recent iterations, feature very handsome men with spectacular coifs of hair. There is one tentpole however that is just as important, and also bears a special connection to the West as it was brought over various times throughout the years in dubbed syndication, and that is the Ultra Series, headed by Tsuburaya Productions (Hint: The guys behind Godzilla). As we here at Dallas Toku Force like to take a peek at the older styles of Tokusatsu, today we’ll be taking at look at Ultraman, starting with Episode 1.

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Kamen Rider (1971) Episode 13 Review/New Series Review Added!


This episode’s Kajin is Lizardron, a nasty Shocker Cyborg with a sweet kick. This episode is meant to be the penultimate close to the Hongo chapter for now, so everyone is on their “A” Game as Shocker resurrects all of the previous Kajin in order to destroy Kamen Rider once and for all! This is a nice episode that leads to the introduction of Kamen Rider 2, and it also closes out many methods and characters as the show “reboots” with Episode 14.

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Kamen Rider (1971) Episode 12 Review


This episode’s kajin is GeckoGelas, who looks kinda cool with red and black motif to go with his character design, but unfortunately doesn’t really have any special offensive capability until the middle of the episode, with the only exception being a combo spray that can immobilize his opponent into a white sarcophagus-like structure. As for why, we’ll get to that in a few. This episode is basically Ruriko Rider with that Hongo guy just hangin’ out, and she has come a long way from the first episode or this series, your tolerance of this episode will largely depend on how you’ve come to like the character.

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