Monthly Archives: February 2012

Gokaiger (2011-2012) Series Overview

Another day, another Series Overview. This time we’ll be taking a look at the most recently concluded Super Sentai show, Gokaiger, which was also the 35th anniversary joint. With anniversaries, the show in general can be hit or miss, so what did we think overall about how this set of spandex-ed heroes turned out? Keep reading after the jump.

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Kamen Rider Fourze (2012) Episodes 21-22 Overview

Alright, Cram Session, Part 2: Cram Hard with a Vengeance! I should warn again, don’t expect much as far as pics goes here, and I’m only really going to touch upon things instead of go in-depth, although it won’t be as brief as the previous overview I did for Episodes 16-20.

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Kamen Rider Fourze (2011) Episodes 16-20 Overview

Well, it’s time for another cram session of impressions from Fourze Episodes 16-20! I should probably warn you that things will not be as excessive here as far as content goes, and there will not be any pictorial content, but for those interested in what I’ve thought about Fourze at this point, keep reading on ahead….

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Hiatus’ are no fun….

You’ll have to forgive for the lack of updates as of late, but unfortunately everything has been busy on the real life front. In order to make things slightly easier on the Fourze front, I am going to do a batch review of Episodes 16-20, and from here on out, do the reviews in the 2 episode arcs, that way one can get the whole sense of the story, but more importantly, it will give me more time to structure my reviews and have more to say. We may not be the timeliest here, but we try to go for more quality over quantity, which will be important as we get ready for doing a Show Overview of Gokaiger and we also add Gobuster to the lineup.

Another nice part of grouping episode arcs together is that it also gives me more time to go back to the retro shows like ’71 Kamen Rider and Ultraman as those are easier to access than the newer shows.

As for when we start back up? That’s kinda of a good question, but the best way to find out is to either subscribe to us on WordPress or Twitter, everything we do gets linked up there. Stay Gold and we hope to get more Toku on soon.
