DTF Crew

Panda's PortraitFMPanda-Born in Dallas, Panda is a gentleman who has been infatuated with all aspects of Science Fiction/Fantasy Fandom since watching Satan’s Cheerleaders with his father as a wee pup. He began his love for Tokusatsu shows via the local cable access show and fanzine Monster Attack Team as well as the obvious Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. He spent a few years in Memphis, where he helped out with MidSouthCon as Video Game Coordinator as well as established an Anime Programming Track for the convention, as well as co-founded the Fan Group M.O.O.G.L.E. (The Memphis Order of Otaku, Gamers, and Legendary Elemental Ninjas).




Sagedismal's PictureSagedismal-Hailing from Northern Tennessee, Sage is a man with many talents. His main interests lie with Science Fiction/Fantasy, with a specific focus on the 80s era of film in that genre. He is also a skilled craftsman, being able to work with items such as plastic and papercraft to create works of art along with his considerable skills in the digital realm, which enabled him to work for Fox 13 News in Memphis as one of their Graphic Artists. He is also one of the co-founders of M.O.O.G.L.E.


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